* Claire's Photos *
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xXx Us wae the Boys xXx

xXx Halloween xXx

xXx Claire's pg xXx

xXx Jayne's pg xXx

xXx Some more pics xXx

xXx Guest book xXx

This page is just about me, me and me lol
The 1st two arent scanned yet but at lest you's know wot they will b before there on ma site lol

This is a couple of minuets before the bells 2004

This is me in Kirsty's 18th Limo, It wiz gd sept from Paula and Kirsty nearly fighting,

Check me wae ma glass a champane

This is me before going to mankies, Ive jsu had ma hair done hehehe


Me and Kevin

This is me still mad wae it fae the nite before which wiz halloween, I use to see Kevin in 1st year. XxX

Me in mankies toilets


Me in ma house after mankies

Me, Jayne and Kirsty were getting ready to go to James's house for a PARTY !!

Me in james's living room

This is me when the party is finished and every 1's going home, Im out ma tree and so is Kirsty if u can see her face lol!!


*Claire's wee page*